With the progressive increase in the pace of life and the accompanying stressful occupations, several lifestyle diseases have come up and caused havoc with people’s health. Hypertension is amongst the most prevalent conditions for which medical help is sought. Doctors have prescribed many drugs to check the high blood pressure levels. Benicar is one such drug. It belongs to the category of angiotensin II receptor antagonists which functions by relaxing the walls of the blood vessels thereby easing the pressure of the flow of blood.
The chief component of Benicar is a compound known as olmesartan. This drug has been proven effective if taken for the recommended period of time as suggested by a doctor. It must be noted though that a change cannot be expected overnight and it takes as much as 3-4 weeks of regular medication to bring the elevated blood pressure levels under check.
Benicar is given to patients who have shown prolonged symptoms of hypertension. In some rare cases it is also given to children above the age of 6 years. This must be done only under the express supervision of the doctor well versed with the medical history of the child.
Potassium supplements or other dietary supplements must not be consumed as it can lower the absorption of Benicar. Alcohol also must not be consumed since this can cause a lowering of blood pressure and have an adverse reaction to the effect of the medicine.
Along with medical attention there must also be a consistent lifestyle change as well as dietary monitoring so as to not consume high salt or high fat content foods.
A point to be remembered is that while taking this medicine constant hydration is required. Drinking plenty of water and fluids is a good idea. Any other information regarding the pharmacology of the drug can be obtained from the booklet provided with the medicine.